Saturday, May 24, 2014


The happiness filled inside the raindrops is tempting as I am drenched with those soothing water drops. I devoted my spiritual mind to nature as I feel it’s a romantic evening and my entire mind is attracted towards you while I wet myself playing in the rain. I remember the mind is devoted towards the God’s spiritual powers and the miracles it shows every now and then. I wish for someone, something but it never comes true but the miracles I search for is never happening in reality or I am not seeing it at all.
It all started with a simple action in one of the social networking site, the conversation tends to increase day by day with that tiny interaction. The pictures I saw while I stalked his profile gave me a different feeling, the feeling that I had never felt for a long, long time. The stars of my life were indicating that this is your miracle and you must live to the fact and strive hard to achieve this person.
Chelsea FC was the love of my life and you came across and made me realize that I should not waste time on fictional shits rather come after you until I succeed. The numbers we exchanged one cold evening gave me a warm, mini heart attack saying, “Did I do the right thing?”
A surprise phone call from that person after seventy two hours made me nervous but I didn’t want to look rude by not picking up the phone call. I was nervous at first, couldn’t utter a word but the friendly gesture he showed towards me changed the scenario and I was blabbering like he was the closest friend you ever had in your life.
The day had finally arrived, the day that marked the story or let me say, the climax of the story. I was not drunk but the tranquilized heart by your sweet, innocent voice had compelled me to express my feelings towards you.
“I am not the perfect person you have ever met, or we may have never even met but the feeling of being complete arises within me when I talk with you and share my feelings, life may have introduced us for a purpose and I didn’t want to waste any more time to make you realize that I was falling for you and helping that life to write our script.”
The words I just typed followed by a quick sensation and pressed the ‘Enter’ button buts as soon as I saw the message was sent, I dreaded about what is going to happen next: I waited for a reply , I couldn’t do it on phone as my voice would be blurred with the tears that would fall from my eyes and I didn’t want him to show pity and accept me.
The awaited reply, I was sure that it would not be that good but I was wishing for some kind of miracle again and wishing that there would be a positive response from him but the bitter truth never hides behind a sad life story. “We have never even met, and the thing is I can’t stay committed and be bounded by the rules of relationship and you might have mistaken my friendship for love, I know its harsh to say this but the feelings you are seeking from me is not available right now and I apologize the script of life you were talking about, I am not the actor in it, there’s someone else for you.”
I knew, I had a feeling that I may not get a positive response but every word struck me directly in my heart like an arrow, its bleeding from inside. The pain is invisible but the eyes are wet as I couldn’t bear it. Those words ended that night’s conversation.
I tried to smile and let it go but as soon as I remember the conversation I dread that nothing is going right in my life and the God whom I worship and sacrifice my life praying, begging for that someone is not helping at all. The miserable state I was in is something I shouldn’t be as the life gives you enormous opportunities to seize and you’d be called a fool if you don’t. The time never waits for anyone, he rejected my proposal but the end is not near and I know I am not going to die in pain for him. I may cry my tears out for a week or two but it’s not the end of the life, is it? I may even curse him but the feeling inside this heart is imprisoned. I have now set foot to bury these feelings inside so that I could start a new phase of my life but the memories don’t go away easily, do they?
I somehow decided to share my story as it gives relief from the inside and eventually succeed in getting over him but the small awkward conversation we were having in spared time was distracting me to completely throw away his memories. My series of life events was turning into one fine story with no ending, but they say every story has a happy ending, if it’s not happy, then it’s not the end.
The decision to let go off him was not that easy but to be completely free from these pains, I had to take one fine decision, and finally the day came when I said that we shouldn’t talk anymore and not interfere in each other’s lives as more I talked with him, the more I fell for him and the script of his life to accept me would never change in any context.
Then the ended threads of the person eventually opened the doors for someone else. Letting go is not easy but striving hard and getting over someone was the main thing. The time will heal everything, as they say in every story, but does it really? The people who don’t leave you behind will help you to heal your injuries, the injuries which are invisible and can’t be expressed in tears or words. You might feel lonely standing inside a bunch of friends as you are so used to talking to someone but the more you create distance and communication gap, the more it will be easier to forget and swipe away those cherish able moments.
The person you are seeking is not him then, you always get a second chance, but it’s you who has to decide that you want to take that second chance or not and life is all about trying, you will get someone even better in a different path as the next chance and achieving and getting him in your life would be more tough than the previous one, so just say it in your mind that you are ready and question yourself, “Are you ready for the next adventure?”


  1. Life is all about trying, finding, settling down, deciding to stick up and moving on too. I like this better than your poems :)

  2. hahah but the main thing is "Do you want to try?" Are you Ready? :D then that means I should stop wasting my time on poems hahah :D
