Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Lie Behind the Truth-II

I woke up. The memories of last night conversation was roaming around inside my mind. Her voice that I died to hear still sounds in my ears.

I began to caress my teeth with a toothbrush with a smile in my face. I had that fear, which would definitely be there.

It was like meeting a stranger for the first time. I somehow made a plan to go for it.

I waited for the clock to notify me that its 11 pm but the longer you think about it, the slower the time passes by.

 I called one of my friend to let him know that I was going to meet her today.
He scolded me and ordered me not to take this step but you all know 'The heart is selfish and it listens to no one.'

I decided to dress up casually as I was not going there to impress her. Moreover, she denied to come meet me but my heart took that as a 'Yes'.

Finally the clock strucks 11:15. I was all ready to meet her. I went as slowly as I could to that same place.

The deep thoughts inside me were fighting with each other. I was on one side scared that she would not show up but on the other I had faith.

The lost mind was thinking of her and I reached there before time.

I didn't know what to do then. I was waiting. The nervousness was flowing in my veins.

I was talking to myself, "Oh Come on! She is just a person that you used to know not a stranger who is going to kill you for meeting her."

I was waiting there noticing each and every person's movement passing by that road.

It was 12:05 pm. I knew she would be late. Meeting a person one ignored and moved on for almost like two and a half years is a tough job.

I had waited almost like an hour then.
I couldn't call her, when she ended the conversation, I had lost that right.

I knew she would come. I thought I would wait for another half an hour. I was not a Bollywood actor to wait for someone until she shows up.

I learnt that everyone has their own lives and they can take their own decisions. You can't control them or guide them but set them free.

Thirty minutes were gone. She didn't show up. My instincts were wrong once again.

I didn't regret it, atleast I tried to make up for the mistakes I had committed once upon a time in my life.

I was saddened by her act but I tried that matters. I decided to walk all the way back home.

I was walking those five miles thinking about what if she shows up now.

I decided to return back to the same place but when I took those steps I had lost all my hope.

I walked back home. On my way home, I exceeded my near death quota when I was almost run down by a veichle twice.

It took me one and a half hour to reach my home through a shortcut.

While I step on my premises, my phone rang -Beep Beep-

It was a text, a text from a familiar number.

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